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ECS Refining.
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Business Philosophy

Why ECS Refining

ECS Refining maintains a State-of-the-art environmentally permitted recycling facility that provides a broad range of metals recycling services, tailored to meet the individual needs of our customers.

Founded in 1980, ECS has served clients across the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico. We offer unique capabilities that utilize our experience in developing environmentally responsible recycling options.

A Safe Choice - Today there are many alternatives for the recycling and disposal of metal-bearing waste materials. At ECS, we recognize the cradle-to-grave responsibility for wastes generated by your business. ECS provides environmentally correct reclamation solutions for an abundance of regulated and non-regulated metal-bearing wastes. We adhere strongly to a 100% no landfill policy. Our professional Environmental Staff provides training, monitors facility compliance, tracks environmental regulations and is available to provide council and information to clients.