Reverse Logistics
The Challenge
In today’s economic climate, customers are reluctant to spend hard earned cash. In order to maintain sales and retain customer loyalty, manufacturers and retailers are pressured to employ liberal customer return policies, demanding product warranties and service level guarantees. As a result, manufacturers and retailers are faced with the challenge of managing an increasing volume of returns.
Working and non-working returned products don’t simply disappear – they represent a significant investment and must be dealt with properly in an “aftermarket” phase of the supply chain. The term reverse logistics refers to these aftermarket processes and typically relates to value recovery and proper disposal. Successful execution requires expertise, and if managed improperly, can be very costly. At ECS Refining we understand that effective reverse logistics is critical for manufacturers and retailers which is why we developed a vetted “turnkey” reverse logistics solution.
Our Solution
As an established leader in the electronics recycling and asset management space, ECS Refining has developed a broad spectrum of services for effective reverse logistics. Our capabilities include:
The Benefits
- Measureable Economic Value - Our solution is designed to offset costs and generate new revenue streams through product resale and value recovery processes.
- Ethical Processing - Our responsible, domestic recycling process stimulates our economy by creating jobs and infrastructure on American soil, while diverting harmful waste from being dumped into our landfills or shipped overseas.
- Ease-of-Use - Our remarketing platform provides complete control and transparency of product downstream. Redeploy assets internally, sell products bidder, to the highest or define additional buyer criteria.